Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

Basic English Grammar - Adjectives

This paper set up to fulfill the assignment of
Subject: Basic English Grammar
Lecturer: Nadia Ma’mun.M,pd

Danang Abdul Rachmansyah                  (1403046048)



A.     Identification of The Problem
1.         Understanding about Adjective
2.         The kinds of Adjective

B.     Discussion
1.         Understanding of Adjective
Adjective are added to noun to state what kind, adjective are said to modify noun and are necessary to make the meaning of sentences clearer or more exact (Describing Word). Place of adjective:
a.         In front of noun
b.        After to be
c.         After object
The kinds of adjective there are 8 :
a.        Adjective of Quality
Example: Beautiful, stupid, strong, nice, cool, brave, expensive, clever, lazy, hot.
1)        In Front of noun
-            He is a lazy boy
-            The rose is the beautiful flower
-            She is a nice girl

2)        After to be
-            The man is cruel
-            The students are clever
-            The girl is brave

3)        After Object
-            I meet the dog dead
-            She suppose him clever
-            We like drink cool

b.        Adjective of Quantity
Example: Much, some, enough, little, any, all, half.
1)        in Front of noun
-          We ate some food
-          I have bought much coffee
-          She has a little oil in the tank

2)        After to be
-          The water is much in the drain
-          Her money is a little in the BRI
-          Her knowledge is some donated by her friend

3)        After Object
-          He gives much money to me
-          I see the little tea remain on the table
-          The seller sells some oil to every people

c.         Adjective of Numeral
1)        Cardinal number
Example: One, two, five, seven, ten, twenty, one hundred.
-          He has six daughter

2)        Ordinal number
Example: First, second, third, fourth.
-          She was the first girl in his family

3)        Multiplicative
Example: a pair, double, tenfold, dozen.
-          They have brought a dozen of drawing book

d.        Interrogative Adjective  
1)        Interrogative adjective “What”
Example: What book do you borrow from the school library?
2)        Interrogative adjective “Whose” 
Example: Whose book that on the table?
3)        Interrogative adjective “Which”
Example: Which one your book

e.         Proper Adjective
Example:  Indonesian, American, Italian .etc.
-          He is only the American who i can see in the meeting.

f.         Demonstrative Adjective    
1)        Definite Demonstrative   (bila noun di tunjukan dengan jelas )
Singular:  the, this, that, such, another.
Plural: the, these, those, such, the other.
a.      The book, The flower, The pens, etc.
b.         This is my book
c.         These are your magazine
d.         That is a horse in the stable
e.         Those are my cats in the yard
f.          You must do in such cases
g.         Please! Give me another book
h.        Can you give him the other pens

2)        Indefinite demonstrative (bila noun ditunjukan dengan kurang jelas )
Singular: a, an, any, a certain 
Plural: any, certain
a.      I am certain go there
b.         A certain book is sold in her

g.        Distributive Adjective ( kata sifat yang menunjukan satu dari keseluruhan jumlah suatu benda yang ada atau menunjukan penyebaran suatu benda)
Example: every, each, either, neither.
a.        Neither person is true
b.        Each child find a glass of milk
c.         I go to school seven o’clock every morning
d.        Every man for himself

h.        Possessive Adjective ( Kata ganti kepunyaan  sifat harus di letakkan di depan  benda yang dimiliki )
Example: his book, my book, her car, etc.
a.        Our lesson today is basic English grammar
b.        My house is large

!!! EXERCISE !!!
Please, identify the adjectives!
1)    The girl had curly, short hair.
2)    The dog was jumping on me, and this made me angry.
3)    I wore my blue coat with the white hood and warm gloves.
4)    I didn't know why my brother was so mean to me.
5)    The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back.
6)    The water felt cold, so I stayed on the shore.
7)    In spite of the late hour, I kept working.
8)    I was walking slowly home when the hot sun made me even more tired.
9)    I walked fast even though I was hot.

Adjective is a word that is used to provide concealment of the nature of an object or a word that gives the power to restrict the use of nouns (NOUN).
From the explanation above which we have discussed then we took some   conclusions, which are as follows:
1.    Adjective of Quality
2.    Adjective of Quantity
3.    Adjective of Numeral
4.    Interrogative Adjective
5.    Proper Adjective
6.    Demonstrative Adjective
7.    Distributive Adjective
8.    Possessive Adjective

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Jaya, Alexander Mongot.2012.English Revolution.Jepara:MAWAR PRESS
Mr. S, Hadi.English Map Concept.Pare:BESWAN and Book Store.

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