Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

Basic English Grammar - Pronoun

This paper set up to fulfill the assignment of
Subject: Basic English Grammar
Lecturer: Nadia Ma’mun.M,pd

Danang Abdul Rachmansyah           (1403046048)


*        A word used for a noun to avoid naming objects repeatedly.

A.      Personal Pronouns
Personal pronoun is used as a subject of the sentence. For instance: I, we, they, you, she, he, and it.
1.         I go to school by bus
2.         She waits me at the home

B.       Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun is used to show the ownership. Such us: mine, ours, theirs, yours, hers, his, its.
1.         The book on the table is mine
2.         The car which park beside of the fountain is hers.

Note: Possessive Pronoun must be separated from noun by to be or of. Meanwhile, Possessive Adjective must be followed by noun.

C.      Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative Pronoun is Indication Pronoun which used to change noun had spoken first. The examples of Indication Pronoun are: this, that, these, those, and some.
1.        This          : ini (singular)
2.      That         : itu (singular)
3.      These       : ini (plural)
4.      Those       : itu (plural)

1.         This book is mine                       
2.         That book is good                      
3.         These papers are better            
4.         Those people are in the room   

D.      Relative pronoun
Relative Pronoun is Conjunction Pronoun which used to connect two sentences into one sentence which have meaning “Yang “

1.         Who         = yang (used to explain somebody as a Subject)
2.         Whose      = yang (used to explain person, animal, or something as owner)
3.         Whom      = yang (used to explain somebody as an Object)
4.         Which      = yang (used to explain something)
5.         That         = yang (used to change who, whom, and which)

1.         I meet Anne       
2.         she will go to school
1.      I meet Anne who will go to school.
2.      The girl whose name is Ica is a good girl.
3.      The dog which you kicked is my dog.
4.      The boy that you saw is my brother.
1.    Who have a function as a Subject in the second sentence with the meaning “Yang”? “Using word “Who” always followed by verb form.
The girl who always plays in the park is Ayu. (anak perempuan yang selalu bermain-main di taman bunga itu adalah ayu).

E.       Interrogative pronoun
Interrogative Pronoun is Pronoun which used in the question sentence.
1.         Who  =  siapa (used to ask somebody as a Subject)
a.        Who is calling me?

2.         Whose =  kepunyaan siapa (used to ask somebody, something, or animal as an owner)
a.        Whose book is it?
b.        Whose dog is this?

3.         Whom = siapa (used to ask somebody as an Object)
a.        Whom will you make the table for?

4.         What   = apa (used to ask something or animal)
a.        What is on the table?

5.         Which = yang mana (used to ask somebody, something, or animal for choosing)
1.        Which do you prefer, the pencil or the book?

!!! EXERCISE !!!
Ø Directions: 
Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence.
1.         Does _____ let _____ go?
a.    (her, me)
b.    (she, I)
c.    (he, me)
d.    (they, she)
2.      Please tell _____ that _____ will be late.
a.    (her, I)
b.    (them, him)
c.     (we, I)
d.    (him, her)

3.       _____ Love Monday. Does _____ love it too?
a.       (I, you)
b.      (She, he)
c.       (They, you)
d.      (I, she)

4.      Danny is my best friend. I know _____ so well.
a.       Him
b.      Her
c.       Us
d.      You

5.      The mechanic is my sister. So don’t disturb _____.
a.       Him
b.      Hers
c.       Her
d.      He

6.      I meet Raisa last night and _____ signed _____ t-shirt.
a.       (she, my)
b.      (he, my)
c.       (her, my)
d.      (his, mine)

7.      I can’t find _____. Does _____ steal it?
a.       (my, she)
b.      (she, you)
c.       (it, they)
d.      (mine, he)

8.      My father has a dog. _____ likes play with _____.
a.       (him, it)
b.      (he, it)
c.       (he, him)
d.      (he, her)

9.      When my boss promoted me, _____ was so proud and _____ gave me so many advices.
a.       (he, him)
b.      (he, she)
c.       (he, he)
d.      (them, he)

10.  My brother works in a big factory. _____ says that _____ is a nice place.
a.       (she, it)
b.      (he, it)
c.       (it, it)
d.      (he, there)

The Answer:
1.       c.   (he, me)
2.       a.   (her, I)
3.       d.   (I, she)
4.       a.   Him
5.       c.   Her
6.       a.   (she, my)
7.       d.   (mine, he)
8.       b.   (he, it)
9.       c.   (he, he)
10.   b.   (he, it)

Azar, Betty Schramfer & Hagen, Stacy A.2013.Understanding and Using English Grammar.United States of America:PEARSON Longman
Jaya, Alexander Mongot.2012.English Revolution.Jepara:MAWAR PRESS
Mr. S, Hadi.English Map Concept.Pare:BESWAN and Book Store.

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